About 1,200 properties became the property of the City of Indianapolis after they failed to sell at auction for unpaid taxes. They will be up for auction later this year, most with only a $400 minimum bid. Now is the perfect time to buy that fixer-upper in a questionable neighborhood you've always wanted. Or maybe you're looking for an urban back to the land experience? Want to build a cabin and grow your own food? Somewhere I'm sure you can find a vacant double lot with good southern exposure and room for a goat pen.

This Indianapolis Star article has some background information on the issue as well as a more limited dynamic searchable map.

I mapped these properties in Google Earth so you can fly around and get a visual representation of what's on the auction block. Click on a point and see ownership information as well as a link to the city's GIS system to see the exact parcel in question. This is a revised version using latitude and longitude coordinates from direct from the city, so it should be accurate to a very high degree. Click on a placemarker to see more information and a link to view that parcel on the city's information website.

Things may change, some properties may get added or removed from the list before the auction dates. Load either one of these files (same contents, one is just compressed for a smaller file size) in Google Earth and viola! the city is at your fingertips.

taxsale.kmz (146k)
NEW VERSION: taxfile.kmz
Updated from the 2009-12-15 list released by the county for sale in March 2010.
Updated map, view in browser (may be slow but more convienent): here.